Creative Education Grants 2016
- MindWare Learning Games - $185 Award to Mrs. Karen Schawl - Knoch Middle School. This grant provides art-related puzzles and manipulatives to be used to improve students' hand eye coordination and provide short-term construction projects.
- Save a Life Tour - $3,075 Award financed by Miller Phillips Insurance and Conlon Tarker to
The Save a Life Tour supported the Safety Education program by bringing in DUI/Distracted
Driving simulators for students to experience the dangers of driving impaired or distracted without the danger. Since this program could well have saved the life of a Knoch student, it was an
invaluable enhancement of the Safety Education curriculum.
- Soccer/Lacrosse Field Scoreboard - $3,800 Award financed by Thoma's Meat Market and Matching Funds to Mr. Mike King - Knoch High School. The scoreboard was retrofitted with LED lights and new control panels to support the athletes who use the field next to Knoch Middle School.
- Science Fair Participant Exploration - $950 Award to Mrs. Lesley Fidler - Knoch Middle School. This grant rewarded the 36 students who participated in the annual Science Fair with an opportunity to explore and study water, insect and plant life, and general conservation concepts at Camp Lutherlyn.
- Faraday Lecture - $410 Award to Mr. John Gavel - Knoch High School. This grant allowed Mr. Gavel to take the KHS Chemistry Club to the Faraday Lecture at the University of Pittsburgh.
- KMS/KHS Cafeteria Technology Update - $8,100 Award to Mrs. Kaitlin Remensky - Knoch High School. The Legacies Foundation agreed to finance 6 new television monitors for the 3 cafeterias at KHS/KMS. They then offered sponsorship benefits to local businesses in return for their financial support of the Foundation's mission.
- Sensory Overload - $450 Award to Mrs. Kayla Swarmer - South Butler Intermediate School. This grant funded specialized classroom equipment to assist with the special learning needs of students who suffer from Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD).